Silver City Freiberg - enjoy family time relaxed!
Can stones glow? What does an organ pipe sound like? Swim like mermaids?
Freiberg offers water lovers, track seekers, researchers and adventurers a lot of fun.
- The little ones are big in the adventure pool. With family-friendly facilities and a large offer for young and old, your stay will be a relaxing experience.
- The sound of silver and craftsmanship can be admired in the new exhibition in the Silbermann-House with a historical demonstration workshop - experience and try out organ building!
- In the largest and most beautiful mineral exhibition in the world, terra mineralia, 3,500 minerals, precious stones and meteorites shine and glitter. The »research trip« and great holiday offers ensure enthusiasm.
- Ore mountains and miners, silver treasures and masterpieces - all sorts of things can be learned about this in the Town- and Miningmuseum. In addition to valuable exhibits, vivid models invite you on a journey of discovery through 850 years of town and mining history.
- Go on safari and discover the many small and large animals in our Zoo. Admission is free!
- During her amusing and child-friendly "Family Family tours: Freiberg for children", city guide "Anna" reveals exciting secrets from 850 years of city history.
- Or discover the Silver City on your own with our new children's city map children's city map - available at the Tourist Information!
We look forward to your visit!
Event tips for families
Tourist-Information Silberstadt Freiberg
Schloßplatz 6
09599 Freiberg
Tel.: +49 (0) 3731 273 664
Fax: +49 (0) 3731 273 665
Mo - Fr
10:00 - 18:00 o'clock
Sa - So
10:00 - 12:30 o'clock
13:15 - 16:00 o'clock
an Feiertagen, Heiligabend und Silvester geschlossen
Jan - März an Wochenenden:
10:00 - 13:00 o'clock
So + Feiertage geschlossen
Go on adventures
Experience fun & games in the Silver City
Journey perfectly planned
We have already put together some information for your stay in the Silver City Freiberg so that you don't forget anything and the journey isn't too boring.
You can get more great tips for your holiday in the silver city of Freiberg at the tourist information office or from your host.
Packliste (Packing list, PDF in German)
Ausleihmöglichkeiten vor Ort (On-site rental options, PDF in German)
Das ABC der Silberstadt (The ABC of the Silver City, PDF in German)
Welterbe-Suchsel (The World Heritage search quiz, PDF in German)
Welterbe-Rallye durch die Silberstadt (World Heritage Rally through the Silver City, PDF in German)
Coole Badeseen & Erlebnisbäder (Cool swimming lakes & adventure pools , PDF in German)