Videos & Podcast

Podcast "Organs, theatre, miners´parades & Co. - pure culture in the Silver City Freiberg (German)

Freiberg's silver, Saxony's splendour - 850 years of history

From the silver discoveries to the present day - with a mining parade
TMGS Fam Trip 2020 - Tour through Freiberg

Original and lively: Mountain parades and Christmas tradition

Mining town festival with miners´ parade
"Glück auf, Glück auf ..." the Steigerlied (riser song)
Freiberg Christmas Market - "Original miners´traditions in the Ore Mountain"
Advent time with Christmas oratorio in the Cathedral of St. Mary

Adventure Mining and Mineralogical Treasures

Mineral show terra mineralia - Journey to the treasures of the earth
Experience mining adventure in the Silver Exhibition Mine

Heavenly organ sounds in St. Mary's Cathedral

St. Mary's Cathedral - Organ Concerts & Art Treasures
Silbermann Organs in St. Mary's Cathedral - Birthday Concert
30 Years Gottfried Silbermann Association
Humorous guided tour about Gottfried Silbermann

Central Saxon Theater

Pure culture in the oldest city theater in the world

City and Mining Museum

Show mine Scheunert
Humpback mine from Gerlach

City and Mining Museum